
86th Annual SCGA Amateur Championship Qualifying – Coosaw Creek – Final Results

86th Annual SCGA Amateur - Qualifying
Coosaw Creek Country Club
North Charleston, SC
July 10, 2017

17 players shot a score of 76 or better at Coosaw Creek Country Club (6,574 yards, Par 71, 72.3/137) in North Charleston, SC to qualify for the 86th SCGA Amateur Championship. 
Jamie Wilson was the qualifier medalist after a round of three under par 68. 

For more information on the qualifying events for the 86th SCGA Amateur Championship  – SCGA Amateur Championship
The Amateur Championship will be played August 3-6, 2017 at Florence Country Club in Florence, SC.

Final Results

1Wilson, Jamie (Mount Pleasant)343468
2Hood, Justin (St Matthews)323769
3Ellenburg, Thomas (N. Charleston )343670
4Bishop, Zachary (Travelers Rest)343771
5Butt, Zakariya (Summerville)363672
T6Bartolomucci, Rj (Hilton Head)344074
 Dudley, Parker (John's island)373774
T8Boyette, Riley (Charleston)393675
 Campbell, Matthew (Beaufort)354075
 Golden, Patrick (Murrells Inlet)354075
 Gwaltney, William (Charleston)393675
 Mallard, Patrick (Charleston)354075
 Russell, Nick (Hilton Head Island)373875
 Salley, Trey (Pawleys Island)393675
T15Finley, Austin (Simpsonville)364076
 Matsumoto, Ky (N. Charleston)364076
 Morrison, Hugh (Charleston)364076
 Other Scores   
T18Farrell, Charles (Hilton Head)383977
 Frye, Mac (Kiawah Island)413677
 Sells, Chris (Johns Island)334477
21Sieling, Hank (Summerville)384078
T22Bennett, Matthew (Mount Pleasant)354479
 Butler, Keaton (Beaufort)413879
 Few, Bobby (Lugoff)394079
 Gooden, John (Myrtle Beach)384179
 Miller, Troy (Charleston)403979
 Stewart, Drayton (Charleston )403979
T28Brown, Tadd (Moncks Corner)394180
 Kilborn, David (Charleston)404080
T30Dekel, Or (Mount Pleasant)404181
 Dyess, Brooks (Hilton Head Island)423981
 Kastenholz, Maxwell (North Charleston)404181
 Prevuznak, Joseph (HH Island)423981
T34Davis, Kevin (Johns Island)414182
 Hamilton, Ben (Charleston)424082
 Perry, Stephen (Charleston)384482
T37Bailey, Zachary (Charleston)384583
 Benfield, Danner (Charleston)404383
 Fortune, Andrew (Johns Island)463783
 Pinckney, Christopher (Charleston)414283
41Smith, Michael (Florence)424284
42Cole, Jackson (Pawleys Island)424587
43Motroni, William (Goose Creek)434588
T44Cauthen, Dwight (Columbia)WDWDWD
 Woods, Christian (Summerville)NSNSNS

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