
2016 GA-SC Team Matches – Final Results

41st Annual SCGA Georgia-South Carolina Junior Team Matches
Idle Hour Golf & Country Club
Macon, GA
July 22-23, 2016

Georgia Team Makes Comeback, Ties South Carolina at 2016 GA-SC Junior Team Matches

Macon, GA – After a first day deficit of two points, the junior squad from the state Georgia rallied for come-from-behind effort and forced the fourth consecutive tie of the Georgia-SC Junior Team Matches when contested in the state of Georgia.  The 41st edition of the GA-SC Junior Matches were contested at Idle Hour Golf and Country Club in Macon, GA.  Georgia matched the team from SC winning five matches outright and earning eight overall points tying the Sandlappers.

The five tying points were earned by Davis Brainard (Dunwoody) who defeated Greenville’s Harry Reynolds 2&1, Grant Sutliff (Suwanee) 2&1 over Nathan Franks (Roebuck), Rogan Perkins (Locust Grove) 2Up on Drayton Stewart (Charleston), James May (Ninety Six) fell to Jordan Baker (Cumming) 1Down and Justin Kim (Rome) took care of business against Colby Patton (Fountain Inn) 2Up. 

The team from South Carolina did scratch out three points with Seth Taylor (Gaffney) winning 6Up over Ryan Hines (Woodstock), Jacob Bridgeman (Inman) 4&3 over Will Kahlstorf (Watkinsville) and Tyler Gray (Lugoff) earning a 2Up victory over Alex Ross (Atlanta). 

There was never a tie in the history of these matches prior to 2010.  Since then, each trip to the state of Georgia (2010, ’12, ’14 and now ’16) has resulted in a tie.  Teams from both states were selected by accepting the top eight finishers at each state's Junior Championship.  Both Friday and Saturday matches started at 8:00 a.m. off of number one tee.  Following the first round South Carolina had a two point advantage over Georgia.

Forty one years ago, Pete Cox of the Georgia State Golf Association and Charles Rountree, Jr. of the South Carolina Golf Association formalized the idea of the GA - SC team matches. The winning team has their victory inscribed on the beautiful Rountree - Cox trophy that was donated by the Rountree family.  Every junior golfer that has participated in the 40 year old competition will find his name on the trophy with his teammates.  The Georgia teams have produced 24 victories as compared to the 13 for the SC teams and now four ties.  Last year’s event held at Berkeley Hall Club in Bluffton, SC saw Georgia squeak out a win. 

It should also be noted that the Carolina’s Golf Course Superintendents Association, the Georgia Chapter of the Golf Course Superintendents Association, and Titleist are proud supporters of the Georgia- South Carolina Junior Challenge Matches.


Final Results

Final Round - Saturday, July 23, 2016

Tee #1 Time

South Carolina



Match Result

SC Pts.

GA Pts.

8:00 a.m.

Harry Reynolds, Greenville


Davis Brainard, Dunwoody

2 & 1



8:08 a.m.

Nathan Franks, Roebuck


Grant Sutliff, Suwanee

2 & 1



8:16 a.m.

Seth Taylor, Gaffney


Ryan Hines, Woodstock

6 Up



8:24 a.m.

Drayton Stewart, Charleston


Logan Perkins, Locust Grove

2 Up



8:32 a.m.

Jacob Bridgeman, Inman


Will Kahlstorf, Watkinsville

4 & 3



8:40 a.m.

James May, Ninety Six


Jordan Baker, Cumming 

1 Up



8:48 a.m.

Tyler Gray, Lugoff


Alex Ross, Atlanta

2 Up



8:56 a.m.

Colby Patton, Fountain Inn


Justin Kim, Rome

2 Up







Saturday Points










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